can i span 16 feet with 2x10

Journey of Bush Craft: How To Make A.
How far can a joist span? - Yahoo! UK &.
16.02.2009 · Best Answer: I have always used a solid 4x12 with 6 inch long cripples and then your double plate on top of that. It is important to make sure you crown
Journey of Bush Craft: How To Make A.
Can a 4X8 beam support a floor with a.
ALLOWABLE SPANS FOR FLOOR JOISTS Lumber: #2 or better douglas fir-larch. Max. fiber stress: 1450 PSI. Modulus of elasticity: 1,700,000 PSI. Live load:
15.07.2008 · Best Answer: i would use a double 2x10 with either 4x6 or 6x6 post. the 2x10 beam will span nearly 18'-20'. most span charts are based off of live and dead

What's the longest span (in feet) I can.
Lew: Just went throught the same dilemma with the two story I'm building.(owner-builder) With my spans I could have used 7 1/2" TJI's, but no room for plumbing.
Can 2x8 floor joists spaced at 16 inches.
Technically Yes, but you'll need to check with your building inspector because there are codes regarding structure that vary from place to place, and the inspector
can i span 16 feet with 2x10
can i span 16 feet with 2x10
16 FT Fishing Boat Allowable Girder Spans - Cottage, cabin &.Question: Can 2x8 floor joists spaced at 16 inches span 16 feet? Answer: Selection of floor joists depends on several factors including wood species, lumber grade
Wood Frame Span Tables - Ron Sterry Consulting - Full CAD Services ...
03.05.2010 · Journey of Bush Craft is a journey of one man, that strives to learn all things bush craft.
23.04.2008 · Best Answer: Close to answer 1 I'd feel uncomfortable with anything over 14 ft, and I'd be using 2 x 10's, even doubled/sistered. Part of what you add in
CountryPlans Design/Build Forum » General » General Forum » The IRC: International Residential Code and Good Practices » Allowable Girder Spans
2X10 joists or engineered joists? | Fine.