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*Paladin Tank Macros for Cataclysm*.
Healing Cataclysm Holy Paladin Guide.
*NEW UPDATE* Want to Survive more?: Get your Mastery as high as possible then worry about Parry and Dodge keeping them both equal. DO NOT STACK STAMINA
Cataclysm Discipline Priest Compendium.
>last updated for 4.2 Introduction Hey. My name is Jorj and I play a retribution Reserved Al'Akir Hand of Protection will make you immune to the squall line
Note: This isn't an official Tankspot guide. However, its intent is to be a helpful Gear and Stats for Holy Paladins Stat Priority Intellect > Spirit > Haste
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Add-ons, UI, and Macros "Although some may find this style of macro controversial, it works. Much as the old " · "/targetexact [nodead] The Abominable Greench
World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm Death Knight.
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WoW Divine Protection Cataclysm Discipline Priest Compendium. Cataclysm Discipline Priest Compendium Updated for Patch 4.1 Introduction These Compendiums are now a legacy with an extensive history. The originalDivine Shield Instant castProtects you from all damage and spells for 8 sec, but reduces all World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm Death Knight. Divine Shield - WoWWiki - Your guide to.

Neroxz shows us the essential macros needed to succeed as a Death Knight in PvP! If you would like to see more daily content, please Like & Subscribe
World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm Death Knight.